chernobylkidsadmin's blog

Need to help your child call home (Ukraine)?

    2009 Summer Visit Schedule     
Our 2009 summer visit calendar is filling in, please keep checking back each week for updates. If you have any questions please contact us          
Date    Event    Notes


For Host Families

2009 Summer Visit Schedule     
Our 2009 summer visit calendar is filling in, please keep checking back each week for updates. If you have any questions please contact us          
Date    Event    Notes


How can you help?

The Chernobyl Children's Project relies upon the generous support of corporations and individuals just like you. Perhaps you are aware of a friend or neighbor who has participated in the CCP's efforts. In fact, we hope someone you know -- either an employee, colleague, or friend -- referred this Web site to you because their family hosted a child. If that is the case, then they can tell you more eloquently than written words what the experience meant to them.


CCP Event Photos, Videos and Slideshows: Photos from Summer 2005

It is truly amazing how much activity can be packed into a six-week summertime visit! Click the photo thumbnails below to view the image.
This gallery is just a small sample of the photos CCP host families have taken during the Belarusian children's visits.


CCP Event Photos, Videos and Slideshows: Photo Slideshow from Summer 2006

Junior Ambassadors Annika Erickson and Meaghan McMahon put together a fantastic slideshow presentation of photos taken from the 2006 visit.
When you click "View the Show" the slideshow will open in a new window.


CCP Event Photos, Videos and Slideshows: Video clips from 2006 CCP Talent Show

Every year the CCP host familes come together to put on a talent show. The following song is performed by four Belarussian children.
Watch the Video Now


CCP Event Photos, Videos and Slideshows: Lions Club Presentation, July 2007

In July, CCP Junior Ambassadors Annika Erickson and Meaghan McMahon spoke to the Petaluma Host Lions Club about CCP.
Watch the Video Now   (requires windows media player)


CCP Event Photos, Videos and Slideshows: A Look Behind the Smiling Faces

Junior Ambassadors Annika Erickson and Meaghan McMahon created this photo slideshow presentation of images taken from the 2008 and 2009 visits.
When you click "View the Show" the slideshow will open in a new window. (Note: The file is large so it may take a moment for the images to load) 


Marin IJ article about CCP

Marin, Sonoma families host Chernobyl kids

Becca MacLaren
Posted: 06/30/2007 11:15:10 PM PDT

Click photo to enlarge

Carolyn Lacerra of Petaluma helps Katya Bukareva, 9, of Belarus play with... (IJ photo/Alan Dep)
TWO WEEKS ago, a group of Belarusian children arrived in California for six weeks of fun with host families in Marin and Sonoma.
For the children, who hail from regions affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, it's also an opportunity to strengthen their immune systems with fresh air and clean food and water.


2008 CCP Benefit Fundraiser

!! Thank You !! to everyone who joined us Saturday May 3 for our annual fundraiser to benefit the children of the Belarus. Thanks to your generosity the event was a big success!!

The event was held at the Sally Tomatoes Event Center

We like to throw and go to parties as much as the next person! Here are just a few of the upcoming events we are participating in. 

Please check our Event Calendar for more events and meeting dates.



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